Finding Healing, Responsibility, and Perspective in the U.S. Election Aftermath

Arik Xander
9 min readNov 12, 2024


The media would like most mainstream consumers to believe there is a huge divide and polarization of the election results. But if you look at the red across the land, you’ll see most of America pretty much agrees on their newly elected leader. Trump worked hard to become re-elected but it’s not he who won, it was the American people who chose him within both votes. He represents the leader and spirit of America, the final remaining superpower of the free world. Anyone struggling to accept this will only find relief in one place, by looking within.

The answers will not be found within the talking heads nor within the irrelevant opinions of celebrities and influencers. They will only confuse you. While there are many who are upset, it comes with the territory, of having a contest, there will be a loser, and you find yourself leaning towards blaming and justified hatred, and even if you’re in shock, or you’re spiritual, and if you truly want relief, you need to go within to find your peace. There are many transparent beliefs and indoctrinations that need to be uprooted in order to get through the next four years. The mainstream media would like us to believe that there is division, but clearly there is not. There is only a loud voice and mainstream media that is still melting down and looking for blame and excuses. But they are digging their own grave as we have seen by the celebratory defeat of celebrities nobody cares about beyond providing content for our screens during our downtime.

It is human nature to distract ourselves from what’s really going on within us when we are triggered and perceivingly offended by external phenomena. Rather than quickly remedying these inflamed emotions with self-questioning, exploration and taking responsibility for our anger, we look for a fight where there is none. Keeping us ignorant to the real situation at hand. And we don’t only do this with public personas but also with our neighbors, friends and family members.

We need to look within and see what bothers us about people we see in the street or the screen. The issue doesn’t lie with them, it lies within us. They are reflecting the conscious or subconscious rejection right back to us. Albeit, it’s very difficult to self-reflect within relationships we actually have real contact with because there may be a long history. But with public figures we have never met nor have a real relationship with, there is far too much assumption and delegation of facts to rely on to make an authentic opinion. So as with most things, we judge and convict based on our poor knowledge. If anyone wants to treat people guilty until proven innocent then these people don’t deserve to live in America and use its resources. America has a beautiful justice system, such as the right to a fair and speedy trial, and the right to remain innocent until proven guilty that can be applied within our own lives, something we can aspire to uphold.

The World Wide Web is the modern day Wild Wild West and it’s easy to get tangled up in narratives or assumptions shaped by what we hear online, on TV, or through social media. With self-reflection on anything we hear in the media or from our friends and family, we give ourselves an opportunity to heal, a chance to de-fragment and unite ourselves and eventually others. We are given a chance to look within and see what specifically bothers us about people we judge, in the media, in our lives, or Trump. What is it that these people represent for us and why does it trigger us or inspire us? What part of ourselves can we reunite with to become more whole? Parts that we project out and reject within others. If nothing else, we can resort to looking at what people have contributed to society, the positive changes they have made and the footprints they leave.

We are currently in an era of holding people to impossibly high standards that nobody can live up to. But this trend and pre-packaged judgments are soon waning in 2025 and the years to come. Not that we will ever be as entertained looking within, or maybe we will? But it’s time to heal the loneliness, the lonely ones are the spectators, they are the ones who have yet to become whole and complete with situations. It’s so much easier to put all the weight of the world onto one person and love them or hate them when they succeed or fail, but we are all in this together. The idea that one woman’s success or failure could represent all the hopes of women across the nation, across the world is a fantasy of the ego at best. As well intentioned as it might be, this weight objectives a human into a symbol — eliminating her right to be herself. This also applies to men, the survival of a demographic is not dependent on any leader, but on the collective shifts and progress.

What happens from this type of thinking is a divide. Deeper than a fault line, this amount of pressure we put onto our children, our friends, parents, leaders or family can awaken fear where there should be courage and hatred where there could be collaboration. The power of process should not be underestimated. Evolution, growth and the power to change is what is our God-given right and is far more powerful than any one objectified person.

On the subject of objectification, celebrity influence is beginning to wane. In the wake of icons like Michael Jackson and Britney Spears who reached the top, not only of their generation and nation, but of the entire world across time, we see what happens to them in the end. It’s a foreshadow of today’s corporate climbing stars. What was the most beautiful revelation of the 2024 election results is that celebrities had no influence, no power and no impact on the results. Their influence fell short of what the mainstream media wants us to believe. They are not gods, they are not controlling or shaping the reality of the nation. Voters and audiences across the nation said, “we turn you off when we are done, and we are not going to take your advice on life, because we are the ones living it and you’re in an ivory tower, getting paid to endorse things you may not even believe in. You’re getting paid to say things, how can we believe anything you say going forward? Do we even want to? No, we don’t.” This is the shift as we move into the celebration of people of true celebrity, who are authentic, talented and able to overcome all the hatred and odds.

In order to heal from the election results, to step into a state of celebration and support for the country, we need to let go and release the preconceived opinions shaped by the mainstream and once again, look within. If we are hurt, look within, if we are happy, share that joy with others around you. We are not asked to focus on actions we can take, and if they are based in anger, hatred, victimization, or blame, we need to look within and see what makes us so angry and who can we trace it back to? The distant celebrity is probably just adding fuel to your unhealed fire and not truly pushing you down your true path.

If anyone is lacking anything to celebrate, think about the consequences of the Abraham Accords Or not starting any new wars. We don’t have the bigger picture of what’s really going on, we often are attacked with triggers that will sensationalize us and distract us from being empowered and able to create beautiful things. Hateful speech brings our energy level down and we are left unable to think clearly, logically or even beyond what we’ve been trained and taught to think. Look at the actions, not the words, because we all know that talk is cheap.

What we may find when looking within is self-forgiveness and understanding which will bring about ultimate healing for ourselves and others. When we can acknowledge our mistakes to ourselves, only then can we take the responsibility and actions needed to make changes.

It requires little to no effort to blame, attack or judge others. Especially when faced with the choice of slowing down, self-reflecting and taking an inventory of triggers, when we have established the pathways of our brain to judge, that’s where we are going to take it. But there is a way to heal, there is a way to change, there is a way to re-wire the brain to see the good, the beautiful and the true in any situation. From this perspective, we uphold innocence as a baseline, we see that we are ignorant and cannot judge what we are not involved in — we can only be triggered and have our own relationship to the phenomenon.

The Founding Fathers established the principle of “innocent until proven guilty” to protect the people from wrongful prosecution. Having been persecuted by biased judges devoted to the Crown, it was almost impossible to have a fair trial. In order to have true justice, we have to withhold our biased judgements and brainwashing into what we have been led to believe. Which means we need to reclaim our mind and our ability to think which requires transformation from any biases where we currently stand.

At times, it’s very helpful to have an objective system in place to help us see where we stand and where we can go. Using the stars, above the earth, is one of these systems that can help us see without bias or prejudice. Astrologers who practice the art could be blind to the truth of a chart and tend to bend towards fulfilling their own desires, judgements or opinions. But if we look objectively with the will to help and see the truth, we will see what we need to work on. Astrologically speaking, it was clear that Trump is to be placed into the White House and will thankfully bypass the Curse of Tippecanoe.

The power of self-awareness is stronger than any brainwashing or torture, alienation or cancellation. When we rely on others to calibrate what we know rather than listening to our inner truth and guidance, we set a course for disaster. Everyone who is struggling with the outcome of the election has a chance to connect with a President and aspects within that are aligned with self-responsibility and mindful thinking.

In a nation, and a world, that is tasked with the job of healing and uniting, it’s time to set aside our ego’s whispers and strive for wholeness. Otherwise we fall into the trenches of division within our daily lives and only bring discord where there could be unification. Be kind to yourself, pause, stop and take a listen to what triggers you about Trump and see how much hatred blinds you from the truth of what’s going on. What’s being reflected and what beautiful qualities you are rejecting within you. If you want prosperity, success and the ability to overcome attacks, you will stop rejecting these qualities we see in the 45th and 47th President.

Once again, this isn’t about being a perfect person without stains. That is an unrealistic vision for a human, for yourself and for others. It’s about repairing these faults, learning from them and going on to help others who are in need, who are ignorant and who have no idea what is at stake.

Now is the time to set up boundaries against unchallenged prejudices and narratives that are packaged as sugar coated poison. It is said we should not ever accept gifts from an enemy or someone who is negative, so we should apply the same standards to the news and information we consume. Look beyond the surface, the lazy judgements and the soundbites that blind us from the bigger picture found within. Begin just by breathing, taking a moment to see there might be a bigger picture and that nobody but you has the inside scoop on what you need, only then once you can look within you can see how to lead others.



Arik Xander
Arik Xander

Written by Arik Xander

Alternative Medicine. Tech. Spiritual Guide. Developer of Zodiac Hacks & Astrolochi® New Products for Aurelia EO®

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