The Importance of Loving what you do.
Hi Stargazers! 🌃🔭
This Full Moon will be 0° Virgo on Feb. 19th, 2019 at 3:53 PM UTC.
With this Full Moon occurring in the wake of Chiron leaving Pisces, we have a tremendous opportunity for healing on a deep level. If you have felt overworked or stressed out, this Full Moon will help you restore, reboot and restart so that you can redirect yourself if necessary.
This Full Moon in Virgo is opening opportunities that will help us achieve our goals, work hard and perfect our skills. If we use this Full Moon to our advantage, we will be able to have fun at work and maybe get a promotion. Even if you’re self-employed, it could be that your business gets an upgrade — but you’ll need to put in the work.
If we want to be wealthy, rich and have more money, we need to put in the work to realize our dreams.
The Question of this Quest.
Every Full Moon poses a question for reflection, as the Sun and Moon are in opposition — reflecting back to each other asking:
Do I experience the saying “Work Makes Life Sweet” as challenge or relief?
It really doesn’t matter where we are in on the corporate ladder, or where we fall in the hierarchy of the company we work for, we all have equal opportunity to become wealthy and offer a unique gift to the world. The only difference between a successful person and someone who fails is persistence and commitment.
We all have the potential to be successful, and this Full Moon in Virgo wants us to tap into that energy and eliminate any laziness that gets in the way of it.
The chart of this Full Moon in Virgo is making a double trine to both Mars and Uranus. Giving us the energy and freedom to break free of any situation that is vacuuming our energy and holding us back from working at something we love. It’s time to become fearless and pioneer our way into a new reality, or a new part of our reality.
It’s all connected.
As long as we develop our skills, put our best foot forward and see where we can improve, nothing can stop us. Efficiency is one of the keywords of this Full Moon. It could be wise to make a list of all the things you want to accomplish, and then a sublist for each item describing how to manifest each point.
Working hard is only the process of manifestation. Our efforts are never lost. Even if we are working in a different field, if our work is dedicated to the attainment of our goals, we will reach them NO MATTER WHAT. I often teach my clients that everything in this universe is connected, so don’t worry if you end up working on a different project, or in a different job for a while. It’s only temporary. However, the most important thing is your attitude.
I know it’s a bit difficult to understand in this instant gratification world, but it’s true.
We see this in astrological practice. Work that we do in one house, has an effect on all the other houses. That’s why my Full Moon Video Workshop is so efficient.
Honing your Skills.
Anyone can be successful, it’s essentially the law of attraction, which tells us that whatever we love we will attract (including loving to hate). While it’s true that we all have the same opportunity to win, we still need to perfect our skills and develop our talents.
In astrological aspects, a trine usually represents energy that flows easily to us, and this could come in the form of talents. Talents we are born with are usually merits we worked for in past lives. Now, talents can go to waste, so it’s very important that we harness our talents and refine them to become the best at whatever we do. There are about 8 billion people on earth, and each person has their own talents to share with the rest of us.
Don’t give up, never think it’s too late. The world needs your expression, because it could change it for the better.
Eating Right.
Chiron has entered Aries, and we are beginning a new healing journey around the Zodiac. Learn more about that in this video:
The Full Moon in Virgo puts an emphasis on our diet and the choices we make when putting food into our bodies. We need to be aware of what’s good for us and what isn’t. Everyone is different, and if we want to be fit and well, we need to observe and respect what our body needs to be well nourished.
Focus on Craft.
Self importance is one of the greatest downfalls to any businessman or employee. All that matters is that we do our best and not worry about what other people think about us because it will contaminate the craft. Success is only the result of plugging into the right attitude. It has nothing to do with who you know, or what you can do. Anything can be learned, and anyone can be met along the way. As long as we have the proper attitude and certainty, success will find us. As long as we are not looking for success, it will certainly become us!
This is true for any realm of life. We should approach any task with gratitude and certainty that it’s the next step on the path to our goal.
We want to avoid feeling victimized by our work and our path to realizing our dreams. Stop comparing yourself to others and just be yourself. A lot of work goes into making something look easy, thinking anything else is entitlement. In order to manifest, we need to work and there is no way around it. Be happy and appreciate you have the health to work, and if it’s time to make a change, meditate over this Full Moon in Virgo on what your next step is.
May you find sweetness in work and the ability to truly love what you do.
If you’re serious about moving on with the wonderful Full Moon in Virgo, you can pre-order the guided meditation workshop. This Full Moon will affect each of us specifically. Depending where this Full Moon is occurring for you will tell you where to put your focus. For easy insight, be sure to download my dash® Astrology Moon Meditation Workbook to optimize the energies and imagine the life you intend.
I hope you have found this complimentary forecast useful and insightful. If you want to give back, and support my work, it is happily and spirituality received here.
Have a wonderful Full Moon in Virgo and I thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using dash® Astrology.
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